Jesus and Southwest inspired…

Art 🌵 Clothing 🌵 Native New Mexican Jewelry 🌵 Heart

We have all heard it and many of us have said it…

2020 has been a year.

Storms never last and sometimes we have to go through the storm to learn the immeasurable lessons that reside on the other side.

We have been through a storm. Many people like to say we are all in the same boat, but the truth is we are not. We are all in the same storm, but we are all in very different boats and we are all weathering the storm in our own unique way.

My boat landed me here. After some truly hard lessons and major mind shifts, my boat crash landed at 4448 Corrales road (aka my little house of dreams) by way of Jesus, family and my heart.

I can do all this through Him who gives me strength
— Philippians 4:13

Shelby at Home is my outlet. Actually, it is the vessel. It is the way in which I hope to allow God to work through me to give this world paintings that make people smile, clothes that remind us of our uniqueness, jewelry to honor my hometown and culture, words to comfort and a place to help our hearts to feel at home.


Gallery & Boutique

A journey through the Great American Southwest Lifestyle and Inspiration toward our most joyous life…

Where does your heart feel at home?

Shelby Hohsfield from

Shelby Hohsfield

Artist, Writer, Boutique and Gallery Owner